A weekly review from Mr. Taylor

  • Great things are happening at Lakeview Elementary School! 

    LES Upcoming Events:   Apr. 5th- Kindergarten Registration 23/24 SY 4-6pm  Apr. 6th- Art Festival  Apr. 7 &10-No School-Spring Break  Apr. 17th- PTO Mtg. 4pm  Apr.18&19-3rd & 4th Grade ELA State Assessment  Apr. 21st-4th Quarter Interim Reports Home  May 2nd & 3rd- 3rd and 4th grade Math State Assessment

    An opportunity for students and parents to nominate a teacher for the Trumbull Co. A+ Teaching Award.  Deadline is April 21st to submit.  You can email it, mail it, or fax it.    See below:

    Teacher Nomination Form


    Congratulations to the recipients of a book from the book machine: Brantley, Carmine, Mila, Robbie, Finn, Crosby, Kai, Emma, and Emma.  Love giving away books.  Thanks, PTO!

    Book Machine

    Our 4th grade saw the arrival of the baby chicks last week. The students were amazed and really had great interest in the entire experience.  Mrs. Price and Mrs. Costarella had great success with the experience.

    If you know of anyone who has a child that is coming to Kindergarten next year and has yet to register, please encourage them to call the school so we can help them with the process. It is important for us to plan and it is helpful for the child to go through a screening, which will be Tuesday- Friday, May 27th-May 31st.  There will times provided on one of those four days for this process.